1.5um High Power Chirped FBG for Fiber Laser
GKER high-quality 1.5um fiber grating reflectors (also called Fiber Laser cavity mirrors) are
written in specialty double clad optical fiber with optimized chirped Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)
writing technology. They are specially designed for 1.5um high power continuous and pulsed
fiber lasers, suitable for single-mode fiber to the large mode field (LMA) fiber, the pump power
handling capacity can reach more than 50W. GKER can provide various bandwidths and
accurately matched high and low reflectivity gratings for different applications.
Key Features
• Extremely Low Temperature Slope
• High Conversion Efficiency
• High Power Handling
• Outstanding Reliability
• Wide Variety of Fiber Types
High Power Fiber Laser
Pulsed Fiber Laser
1. Other central wavelength available on request.
2. Other bandwidth and reflectivity available on request.
3. Other fiber types available on request.
Package Dimensions
Ordering Information
M: Metal Housing
R: Recoated
2.Grating Type
H: High Reflector
L: Low Reflector
3.Central Wavelength in nm
550: 1550nm
4.Fiber Type
0912: 9/125um, SM-1550-GD
Bandwidth in nm
02: 2nm
6.Reflectivity in %
99: 99%
10: 10%